Season 1

Ep 8: Automating Kindergarten to 12th Grade Education

September 21, 2022
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K-12 Plus: Automating Kindergarten to 12th Grade Education

K-12 Plus is an offline-first app and syncs properly on a 0.5 Mbps connection. It employs teacher bots and virtual and augmented reality “mixed technologies” to deliver universal K-12 education offline. The app revolutionizes the K-12 education system with high-tech technologies to aid pedagogical and administrative processes, thus transforming schools into “SMART” schools and enabling schools to achieve their goals more efficiently.  

All over the globe there is a lack of access to early education. FAST Accelerator Founder and African Startup, K-12 Plus is creating opportunities for the youth all over the globe to receive fundamental education and prepare them for their future! The current K-12 education system is outdated globally; it does not prepare children for the digital era, and it lacks automation that eliminates paperwork, enabling teachers to spend less time on routine tasks and more time with their learners. Schools are struggling to merge education with technology, and it’s challenging to maintain learners’ interest and attention for long enough to teach stem subjects and new topics effectively. COVID-19 has wreaked havoc on schools due to a lack of effective K-12 ed-tech solutions and the internet.

Key Features

  • It includes teacher bots, therapy bots, a digital library, communication and collaboration tools, and a blend of education and entertainment
  • Providing a portal that provides parents with detailed information on their child’s academic performance. Parents can easily find out what school activities are assigned to their children and assist them.
  • Building an app that digitizes and automates pedagogical and mundane tasks, enabling teachers to devote more time to learners.


Flapmax and Microsoft didn’t just leave us on the street. It’s a long term relationship...helping us reach milestone after milestone.

Episode Transcript

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